Teleworker Management Training for Federal Employees

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Teleworker Management Training for Federal Employees

There are more and more federal employees that are turning to teleworking today. In fact, 95% of GSA employees telework during winter season; their operations are generally unhampered even when most of their offices are closed. Indeed, this is a promising work arrangement and the reason is simple: this allows federal employees to render services even without going to their respective offices.

However, the increase in number of federal employee’s teleworking today also presents some challenges particularly to individuals/officers who manage them. Such challenges include the following:

  • Teleworkers tend to not perform as part of a cohesive team – as teleworking builds some level of compartmentalization
  • Teleworking is relatively new – many managers handling teleworkers still need to develop a teleworker management system that serves as blueprint for effective teleworking operations
  • Some level of unproductivity emerges – a number of off-site employees tend to underperform
  • Employee monitoring tend to be difficult – lack of monitoring tools
  • Task reporting requires more effort – reports need to be more detailed as compared to employees working with direct supervision.

Teleworker management training – a must

If you are one of those officers/managers handling federal teleworking operations, a comprehensive training on teleworker management is necessary – the way to go in addressing the issues such as those presented above. This should not be that difficult to initiate as there are many companies that offer training solutions designed to improve your teleworker management skills – on how to effectively manage teleworking federal employees.

Teleworker management training can help you:

  • Build a strategy to make your teleworkers work as part of a team
  • Understand more about teleworking and the processes it involves
  • Implement strategic measures to maximize productivity
  • Familiarize the task monitoring tools available in the market today
  • Build a standard reporting custom-design for teleworkers you manage

If your agency is located in Atlanta or in its neighboring areas of Georgia, you might be interested with Proven Training Solutions. Our team has been helping organizations both from public and private entities in their need for organizational development, by giving different programs, including teleworker management training. Contact us for your inquiries.

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About the Author: Bill Walsh

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