Run More Effective Meetings

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Training Benefits & Deliverables:   

  • Facilitate productive and purposeful meetings
  • Plan more effective meetings
  • Develop more powerful meeting agendas
  • Have the correct and necessary people attend your meeting
  • Increase the overall attendance of your meetings
  • Enhance your reputation as a powerful meeting leader
  • Politely and assertively enforce meeting management rules and guidelines
  • Accomplish more results in your meetings
  • Run more effective meetings

Training Course Outline:   

I.   Build the Fundamentals of an Effective Meeting   

  1. Establishing objectives
  2. Deciding on the format and purpose of the meeting
  3. Deciding on participants
  4. Develop plans to run more effective meetings

II.  Increase the Power & Impact of the Meeting Process 

  1. Identify and overcome the most common barriers to effective meetings
  2. Developing agendas
  3. Create effective and productive ground rules
  4. Managing the meeting process
  5. Maximize the meeting decision-making process
  6. Maximizing the meeting discussion-management process

III. Facilitating and Managing an Effective Meeting  

  1. Pre-meeting communication
  2. Powerful opening techniques for meetings
  3. Communication and facilitation skills
  4. Time management techniques for meetings
  5. Understand the 4 most important roles attendees play in effective meeting
  6. Run more effective meetings
  7. Closing meetings
  8. Post meeting communication

IV.  Special Meeting Issues 

  1. Managing and coordinating virtual or off-site meeting participants
  2. Handling conflict in meetings
  3. Handling difficult or dominant personalities in meetings

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