Effectively Managing MultiGenerational Workforce
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Training Benefits & Deliverables:
- Attract and retain the best multigenerational talent
- Work more successfully with Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers & Millennials
- Overcome the work ethic differences between the generations
- Establish multigenerational work teams that get the job done with managing multigenerational workforce training
- Improve department and organizational productivity with managing multigenerational workforce training
- Develop the most effective workplace environment for all generations
- Motivate and lead different generations with managing multigenerational workforce training
- Communicate more effectively with different generations
- Reduce potential conflict between and among different generations
- Manage and work with different generations more effectively
- Develop and train different generations more successfully with managing multigenerational workforce training
- Identify and reinforce the similarities between generations
Course Outline
I. Enhance Interpersonal Management Skills
- Establish the foundation of trust and confidence with multigenerational employees
- Recognize the importance of how management styles influence different generations
- Work more successfully with Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers & Millennials
- Deal more effectively with different generations, people and personalities
- Improve how we communicate with multigenerational employees
- Develop action plan to improve multigenerational management and communication styles
- Apply common sensed motivating principles to multigenerational employees
II. Handling Difficult Multi-Generational Workplace Situations
- Reward and recognize the different generational employees
- Understand what management styles can lead to conflict with different generations
- Work more successfully with difficult people and personalities
- Recognize the potential liabilities of the different generations
- Overcome the work ethic differences between the generations
- Develop multigenerational collaboration
- Manage employees who are older or have more seniority than the manager
III. Build Solid Multi-Generational Teams
- Help multigenerational employees understand each other & work together more effectively
- Create more effective multigenerational teams
- Develop and set clear goals and expectations that get met
- Increase communication/coordination between multigenerational employees
- Increase multigenerational employee’s accountability and responsibility
- Develop more effective communication skills
- Improve our listening skills
- Become a more effective change agent and catalyst for multigenerational change
- Introduce and implement successful change more effectively
- Overcome multigenerational resistance to change
IV. Get the Most Out of MultiGenerational Employees
- Develop and set SMART goals for multigenerational employee performance
- Use feedback to change behavior and performance
- Develop a 5 step coaching process to improve multigenerational performance
- Make performance evaluations more effective in improving employee performance
- Use a 5 step counseling process to turn multigenerational employees around
- Develop a Performance Improvement Plan – PIP – that really works