Management Training
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Management Skills for Supervisors
- Supervisors need to be more confident and assertive in addressing performance issues
- Newly promoted supervisors have received job skill training but haven’t received management training
- Newer supervisors need to earn the respect and trust of their employees
- Supervisors need to be more effective in the coaching and counseling of employees

- Supervisors are having difficulty managing employees who are former peers
- Supervisors having difficulty managing employees who are older or have more seniority could benefit from new supervisor training
- Supervisors need to better document verbal and written warnings
- Supervisors have never conducted performance evaluations before
- Supervisors need to think out-of-the-box in making management level decisions
- Supervisors need to know the principles and practices of progressive discipline through a comprehensive management training
Effectively Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce
- Differences in generational work ethics are causing conflict and disagreement
- 3 or 4 generations are working together and they don’t understand each other
- Communication styles differ greatly between generational workers
- What motivates one generation doesn’t work with others
- All 4 generations respond differently to coaching & criticism
- My training style has to vary depending on who I’m trying to train
- Employees are more focused on identifying how they are different than alike
- Mixed generations form a great team – when it works – when it doesn’t, it’s a train wreck.
- Most management training doesn’t address multigenerational workforces
Conflict Management Techniques for Managers
- Recently promoted supervisors procrastinate at addressing and dealing with problems because they haven’t received management training
- People and departments don’t work well together
- Inadequate coordination and communications takes place between functions
- Backbiting and infighting affect performance and quality
- Negative comments are made in front of employees, other managers, customers and clients
- People don’t want to accept new ways and directions
- Animosity between departments creates an unproductive work climate
- Small problems or misunderstandings quickly escalate to major issues
- Supervisors and managers need leadership training
- Supervisors and managers need management training
Leadership Skills for Managers
- Managers aren’t assertive in dealing with employee issues
- New managers and supervisors promoted without management and leadership training
- Managers do too much individually without delegating responsibility
- Employees don’t respect their newer managers
- Managers unable to effectively motivate and lead their employees
- Managers need to think out-of-the-box in dealing with employee problems
- Employees don’t take the extra step to get things done well instead of just done
- Personality conflicts cause unnecessary stress in the workplace environment
- Some management training doesn’t focus enough on leadership training
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
- Some employees don’t respond well to manager’s leadership styles
- Managers aren’t able to effectively motivate employees
- Conflict and disagreement is taking place too regularly with employees
- Negativity and complaining is growing in the workplace
- Productivity is being affected because of strained working relationships
- Newer managers aren’t comfortable with coaching or counseling employees
- Work teams need stronger leadership in order to be more effective
- Manager’s just can’t figure out what makes some employees tick
- Managers are becoming more do’ers than they are leaders
- Manager’s have never received emotional intelligence training
Effective Delegation Skills:
- Employees aren’t accepting accountability and responsibility
- “If I want this done right, I’ll have to do it myself” is heard too often
- When work is delegated the quality of what’s being done suffers
- Workplace procrastination is on the increase
- Supervisors and managers workload is too high compared to employees
- Deadlines and due dates are being missed
- Supervisors aren’t comfortable delegating responsibilities
- The best employees are being over worked because they’re only ones doing it right
- Communication between employees is decreasing
- Complaining, griping and negativity is on the rise
Management Skills for Technical Professionals
- Technical managers are more comfortable doing the job than dealing with employees
- Technical strengths sometimes overshadow manager’s interpersonal skills
- Employees have a difficult time relating to some technical professionals
- Some technical managers talk “at” not “with” employees
- Technical professionals sometimes lack patience if employees don’t get it quickly enough
- Employees accuse technical professionals of having too high of performance expectations
- Technical managers can get caught up in the minutiae and lose track of the big picture
- Some technical professionals just don’t understand the need for ‘people skills’
- Technical managers become more reactive than proactive because employees don’t come to them with before-the-fact information