Managing a MultiGenerational Workforce Training
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Managing a MultiGenerational Workforce Training
For the first time in modern history, four different generations make up the current labor force. This means that twenty-something new hires now have to find a way to work in harmony with colleagues that may be fifty years their senior. Forming and motivating a team that provides the best performance is crucial to increase employee satisfaction, reduce turnover, optimize production and ultimately grow your organization. Supervisors and managers in this melting pot environment can benefit from managing a multigenerational workforce training.
Identifying Generations
Each of the generations is distinct, with their own attitudes, expectations, motivations, needs and values. This can make integrating your corporate culture somewhat of a challenge.
The oldest generation is the Traditionalist. Born prior to the Second World War and molded by WWII, the Great Depression and the Korean War, this group emphasizes loyalty, sacrifice, conformity, civic pride, respect for authority, discipline, dedication and honor. They are hard-workers, most of whom have been working for thirty or more years. To manage such employees effectively requires a directive style of leadership with goals that are clearly defined.
The next group, born between 1945 and 1963, are the Baby Boomers. These people were raised in a time of progress, opportunity and extreme optimism, having their values shaped by the Civil Rights movement, Woodstock and the Vietnam War. They strive to do better than their parents did, providing their children with anything they desire. Most of the time, baby boomers will go the extra mile to ensure the job is done, meaning many in this group are workaholics.
The Generation Xers grew up during the 70s and 80s, when the economic wars were making headlines. Caught between Millennials and Boomers, Xers are finding it hard to leave their mark on the world. With values that were affected by the Challenger tragedy, Watergate, computers and terrorism, this group spent a great deal of time plugged in because most came from two-income families. Therefore, Xers require instant gratification and constant stimulation, yet they know how to take care of themselves. They want to work by their own standards, while balancing a healthy professional life and their career.
Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000, have a high-tech system of values. Being plugged in and technically savvy make them an important part of the workforce. Coming from families with overscheduled lives and hyper-involved parents, they are not afraid to speak out and let their opinions be known. Although many have a sense of entitlement, they are often positive thinkers ready to get the job done and move on to something else.
Trained to Get Along
The key to managing a multi-generational workforce is getting everyone to work together for the good of the organization. The best way to accomplish such a feat is through proper training.
Managers who have undergone managing a multigenerational workforce training, conflict management training and conflict resolution training know how to handle such a diverse workforce. These types of training will teach them techniques that will allow the different generations to work together well and reduce and resolve conflict in the workplace effectively. They will learn the best ways to deal with communication, negativity and aggression, ensuring everyone is treated with professional respect.
Animosity in the workplace can lead to an unproductive environment that is no good for anyone. Proven Training Solutions managing a multigenerational workforce training, conflict management and conflict resolution that will teach your manager new ways to ensure employees of all ages and generations are able to work together productively.
- By Bill Walsh
- July 31, 2020
- Management Training, White Papers
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