The Need For Cultural Sensitivity Training For Physicians

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The Need For Cultural Sensitivity Training For Physicians

Doctors need more than strong medical skills. They also need enhanced people skills. In our diverse patient mix, doctors come in contact with a myriad of different cultures and backgrounds. These differences don’t just exist just with patients; they can also exist with colleagues and hospital staff co-workers. When they attend physician sensitivity training they are better able to relate to and communicate with both patients and medical center staff.

Cultural sensitivity training for physicians helps doctors better navigate these potentially risky interpersonal situations. . Off-hand comments or humor meant to lighten the mood in an emotionally charged medical care setting can sometimes come across as insensitive or potentially harassing or discriminatory. In most cases, the doctor wasn’t intentionally being insensitive or harassing; they just weren’t thinking how their words might be perceived by the different culture or background of a patient, a patient’s family member or a medical staff member. Our training assists the physician in becoming more knowledgeable and understanding of different people’s perceptions.

The cultural sensitivity training for physicians offered by Proven Training Solutions has already delivered results for hospitals and large medical practices. Our training course will improve the cultural and sensitivity awareness of the physician while providing improved communication skills and interpersonal awareness. With this sensitivity training, your doctors will be more understanding and respectful towards patients and co-workers. Many hospitals have included this training as part of a physician’s improvement or discipline plan in order to maintain their medical privileges at the facility. Call us toll-free at 1-800-403-5456 for a confidential training proposal and price quote.

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About the Author: Bill Walsh

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